Τετάρτη 25 Μαΐου 2011

ΕΚΠΛΗΚΤΙΚΕΣ ΦΩΤΟΓΡΑΦΙΕΣ: Έκρηξη ηφαιστείου Γκρίμσβετν στην Ισλανδία - Εκπληκτικό θέαμα!

Δείτε πραγματικά εκπληκτικές φωτογραφίες από την έκρηξη του ηφαιστείου  της Ισλανδίας, καθώς και τις πρώτες συνέπειες που έφερε στη ζωή των κατοίκων και των ζώων εκεί.

Έτσι φάνηκε η έκρηξη απο το διάστημα!

Hell on earth: Molten rock, ash, fire and lightning pour from the mouth of Grimsvotn

Wrath of the gods: Fire in the clouds lights up the sky above a hamlet near the violent volcano

23rd May 2011. Pictures of the eruption of Volcano Grimsvotn in Iceland.

Volcano Grimsvotn from the sky

Apocalyptic nightmare: Lightning crackles through the vast plume of ash in scenes reminiscent of Hollywood blockbuster Ghostbusters 2

 The eruption of the Grimsvotn volcano sends thousands of tonnes of volcanic ash into the sky on May 23, 2011 above Iceland.

A NASA MODIS satellite image acquired at 1205 GMT on May 23, 2011 shows the ash plume from the Grimsvotn volcano, under the Vatnajokull glacier in southeast Iceland.

Are you mad: A lone 4x4 drives towards the volcano, that has blotted out the sun for miles around

Heavens above! The terrifying power of Grimsvotn is more magnificent than any Hollywood movie

Raw power: The ash plume resembles an atomic bomb explosion as it rises into the atmosphere

Dark canopy: Already the thick ash cloud has cast a dark shadow over the North Atlantic nation, blotting out the sun over many miles of countryside

Murk: The headlights of two vehicles barely penetrate the gloom in Grimsvotn

Blackout: Residents can't tell if it's day or night as this one wipes ash from his windscreen

Staying alive: Sheep raise an ash cloud as they run in a field near Kirkjubaearklaustur 162 miles from ReykjavÌk, left, but not all made it, right

A dead lamb lies covered in ash near Kirkjubaearklaustur 260 km (162 miles) from ReykjavÌk, Iceland

Flock worry: A farmer checks his flock at the farm near Kirkjubaearklaustur

Dim light: A cloud of ash decends on the settlement of Vik near the Grimsvoetn volcano

Nowhere to run: Horses walk in an ash covered field close to Kirkjubaearklaustrur

Ghost road: Roads around the volcano sit quiet and empty